Saying that we decided to stay is a stretch.. we decided to apply for a residency- pediatric/vision therapy. Brandon interviewed at 5 schools along with hundreds of other applicants. Our schools of choice were here, Alabama, Oregon, New York, and Boston.

The way the application process works is after the interviews, every school and applicant lists their top choice. Then those top choices are matched as closely as possible. Our top choice was to stay here. SCCO has an excellent clinic and excels in pediatric and low vision. Naturally we wanted to stay, not having to move 3 kids across the country and away from family. We have so many loved friends and are comfortable in the area. Not to mention that I have a sweet job and can pick up hours when ever I
oh and he was given an award from "Excellence in Vision Therapy"at his graduation! I'm not bragging, just happy for my love. Good job sweet stuff. I really am grateful for ya.
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