Sunday, April 15, 2012

Just because


Is it just me or does it seem that they art of personal blogging has slowed? I miss it. I miss my friends posts.. don't get me wrong.. many still do and I LOVE IT!! I love keeping up to date with everyone when I just don't have the time to call everyone. Plus seeing everyone's sweet families and new happenings, it is just fun. BuT don't worry, I am not slipping away to the unknown cyber sleep, I have just been busy with no pictures to share. My beloved camera was accidentally left at a certain pool bye a certain husband who shall remain nameless. cough, b -andon. Ah hem. 

I know, tear. My heart broke. 

Until my new camera arrived in the mail! I am a Nikon lover. We got the Nikon 5100. I am excited for it.. not a crazy pro camera, but on a students budget and photography being a fun hobby, I really can't justify purchasing a $1500 camera. Nonetheless.. this baby is awesome. So excited for it. 

We did splurge and get a fancy new lens..(that was were we ultimately chose to put our dinero) the 24-120mm f/4! Its got all sorts of nano technology of sorts I don't totally understand but hopefully will someday! Plus another prime lens since my last was on the camera that was unmentionably left. 

Any how! I will probably have more post to share since I am back in business with the camera! I am lucky though that I have a stellar sis close who is packs her camera around. She snapped some pictures for us at Easter. They turn out adorable. 

My parents came down to play for there spring break. We had fun at tide pools, movies, Jay Leno and just relaxing. The kids and babies are plenty of entertainment! 

Here are a few cell phone pictures of the events that transpired with no SLR to capture them. 

Thank goodness for Instagram!

 At Jay Leno! 
 Love my sleeping baby. (Can't believe he is almost one!)
Dentist Trip! 
 Still working occasionally in the ER. Love it, but love my kids more. 
 Recently went back to dark hair. Not a first but its been a loooong time. Took a while to get use to but now I feel like it fits. 

 Easter baskets and Orange County Zoo at Irvine Railroad park. 
 Petting Zoo at OC Zoo. Wish I would have gotten a picture with my sis and my girlfriends there! I've always been blessed with great friends. 

 Currently Training for a half marathon! I had to take a few week break because of my left hip. (Getting old ;) ) But this was my last run with an overall average pace of 8:55min/ml. Thats a good pace I am happy with. Me and my running buddy Anna were hoping to be down by like.. 8:30. Maybe it will come I just don't want to get injured again!? So we will see. 
 My crazy baby Crew! Just decided he wanted to try walking yesterday! Took 4 steps!! I wouldn't call him walking yet, more like falling with his feet catching him self on the way, but not far off! 
 ok.. this is the most adorable drawing. Bryce doesn't love to color or draw so if I can get him in the mood, I milk it. This is a picture of Brandon (R) with little fingers and a big finger (?) and a wuiggily toof. On the left is Bryce with his long hairs and scissors that are cutting them. His scissors are pretty impressive. 

I knew his hair cuts were a little traumatic for him, but now I really know how deep the damage was. 

A lefty. 

These are a few pictures from the Laguna Beach tide pools from forever ago.. Feburary maybe?. We LoVe the tide pools. Just a fun twist to the beach. 

 OH MY!! Miss those curls. {When he still had his innocence ;) }

Love my Sweet boys. Love my silly Addi. Time is going by way to fast. 


Bree said...

I hate that blogging has gone MIA no one posts anymore and no one comments. Back in the day I felt like I hadn't lost touch with people so when I would visit I felt pretty up to date, not so much anymore, I hate it! If it was for being a country away from my family I would bag it, I hate that I want to bag something I once loved :) poor me! ha ha

Des said...

I love that picture of us at Jay Leno. I don't know why. maybe because it really shows how I felt. excited!! haha. Love this blog post. it was good.