Sunday, February 22, 2009

Desi in from Michigan!

That's right! My dearest sisterest Desi flew home for a few weeks to visit! It was so much fun to have her here. We didn't do any thing to crazy but it was just nice to hang out together and have the kids play~
PLUS des bought this awesome new camera with fun picture settings on it so we of course tried them out!!

Sydney turned three and Jack turned one in Janurary. So we threw a birfday Par-Tay! the funny part is that Addison got presents too...? Her birthday is in June. Grandma didn't want to see her get her feelings hurt.

Bryce and Jack were always kissing each other! They were so cute! It was funny
because they would go to grab each other to give loves but end up poking each others eyes! love hurts~ haha

I Just Love this Picture of bryce. Goofy boy


The Hemming's said...

Oh Aubrey he is a doll! He is getting so big! I can't believe it, I feel like all of us girls from the 3rd ward were pregnant like last month. TIme flies!

Isaak and Jackie said...

I am so glad your sister got to visit what a blast. My sis and mom and niece are making the trek here next week and I can hardly wait. Your children are adorable and your home looks beautiful as well I love the decor.